My Gallery

Please view my selection of images that show what I do, or simply photos I have taken that bring me joy or that tell a story...

Fascia Unwinding CST class, Rishikesh, March '23
My newborn daughter and my toddler son (1997). I wish I had known then about Craniosacral Therapy. She had colic from 2 to 12 weeks. It was a tough time.
Sisters relaxing on my treatment deck waiting for mum to finish her treatment.
Children should feel relaxed when they visit for a treatment. And the toy area is a great place to start a treatment.
Treating a daughter with her mum relaxing in 'meditation' at the same time
Here's a new father putting a bespoke Bach Flower remedy on his daughter's head after her CST treatment. Dad's are always welcome to come with their children. Treating families is always an honour. Everyone benefits.
Mum and baby after baby was treated. This is a special photo - true love!
You too can feel like this after a Craniosacral therapy treatment :-)
My eldest son Stewart and notice the shape of his head in this photo. He was 3 days old (1995) and I had had a very difficult vaginal delivery. You can see how is cranial bones had been 'squashed' in delivery. I wish I had known then what I do today.
Baby Noah receiving his second Craniosacral treatment at around 4 months old
Treating a 13hh mare who had fallen in a recent competition. Notice her lower lip and how relaxed she is. This photo was taken towards the end of her treatment. Summer 2019
Rudbeckia (coneflowers) grown from seed, Aug '22
More 'happy' Sunflowers, August '22
Chicory, one of the Bach Flowers, for those who have expectation of love and attention from friends and family and who may feel slighted or hurt if that expection is not met...
Geranium, a beautiful and hardy plant, very happy in summer!