
Reflection with Connection

April 27, 2024 10:45 AM

Reflection with Connection

In our busy, often troubled world, we long to connect, remember our true essence and have a safe space to go 'inside' quietly.

As it says in the Desiserata "go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence"

Brene Brown tells us that "true belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to BE who you are"

But who are you?

Possibly an eternal question for us all.

Connection is essential as human beings - when we feel seen, heard and valued without judgement, we are free and in our divine essence. We are ourselves. Remember "you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here."

Come join me on Saturday 27th April 11am to 1pm to connect as a group of like minded souls together in connection, belonging and stillness.

The programme will include:

- guided meditation

- poetry

- sharing together in gentle movement and in stillness, with or without words

- give your body/mind a chance to connect deeply and an opporunity to hear the voice of your inner essence

- and connect with some gorgeous people!

What to bring: a mat/cushion to sit/lie on, water, a wrap or light blanket

Suggested donation £25 - all proceeds to Project Luangwa*

*Project Luangwa is a charity which aims to empower the impoverished communities of the South Luangwa valley in Zambia. It aims to raise rural areas out of poverty by improving standards of health, equality and education thus increasing future life chances, employability and community prosperity. Having lived in Zambia for 16 years I know this charity personally and they genuinely do amazing work and are efficient and very well managed. Thank you in advance for your donation.

Book your place here